Loft house Almere


  • 2016
  • Client

  • Private
  • Contractor

  • Van Pijkeren Bouw, Ommen
  • Photography

  • Marcel van der Burg
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  • Project PDF

Loft house

‘Loft house’ is a compact and affordable terraced house with surprising interior spaces. An exceptional quality is created by the void in the central living room, the separated kitchen and the roof terrace. The living areas on the ground floor and the first floor receive a lot of daylight thanks to the large openings in both the front and the back facades.

The facades of the loft house have a playful and modern appearance. The repetition of window proportions adds cohesion to the design. Clients can choose the type and colour of brick and window frames from a wide range of options.

The first ‘loft house’ was realized on the Saturnussingel in Almere-Poort. The owner of this house asked for an internal organisation with as few doors as possible. For this reason the house has been designed as one large, open space. Only the technical rooms and the toilet are provided with doors that are obligatory by the Dutch building laws. When relevant in the future, separate bedrooms can easily be arranged within the configuration of the house.