Extra + Ordinary Utrecht

Extra + Ordinary

How can the post-war neighborhood of Kanaleneiland physically be improved? Does it make sense to renovate the out-dated buildings of should they be demolished? How can the public space be upgraded?

From the jury report: „The jury was quick to reach agreement as regards the prize-winner fort he Europan site in Utrecht. With their entry Extra + Ordinary – which is also striking because of its meticulous presentation – the designers succeed with clean, well-organized interventions in effecting a great quality leap. The entry opts for a cautious intervention – and therefore not for pulling down buildings and ignoring the original urban design. The intervention concentrates on the missing link in the relationship between the buildings and the public space. In the northern part of the intervention area a four-meter wide extension is added to the residential blocks. This makes a thorough refurbishment of the apartments possible, as well as creating a more appealing street profile.“