Terraced houses Centrumeiland


  • 2020 - 2023
  • Clients

  • Private
  • Project architect

  • Jan Bochmann
  • Technical design

  • i.s.m. Karel van Eijken
  • Downloads

  • Publication Kavel & Huis

Terraced houses

The municipality of Amsterdam has created a new island as an extension to the IJburg district. This new neighborhood, which is called Centrumeiland, will consist of individual self-build houses and collective co-op housing projects.

Our studio has designed various individual terraced houses and we helped our clients with applying for the building permission, selecting a contractor and supervising the building work. The realization of the first projects is now ongoing.

The terraced houses are six meters wide and can have a maximum height of fifteen or seventeen meters. The houses will be individually designed according to the specific needs of their future inhabitants. All houses have large window openings and high-quality interiors. Some of the houses will be provided with garages, roof terraces, balconies, bay windows, winter gardens and rooftop greenhouses.

The houses are developed as zero-energy buildings and rainwater will be stored on the plots themselves. Where possible, sustainable building materials will be applied.